
Elizabeth Fraley Kinder Ready’s View of  Building an Ultimate Summer Reading List

In summer, children need more fun yet educational activities that will help them grow, create, and develop their skills. Reading is one of the most effective ways to keep up with learning during summer. Elizabeth Fraley Kinder Ready understands the importance of developing a love for reading in young learners.

Why Summer Reading Matters

Elizabeth Fraley Kinder Ready believes summer reading benefits children’s cognitive and academic development. There is a “summer slide” – the tendency for students to lose academic progress during the summer break. 

How to Create the Ultimate Summer Reading List

It would help if you balanced the child’s reading level, their interests, and what educational goals you want to catch up on. At Elizabeth Fraley Kinder Ready, through Kinder Ready tutoring, we help parents choose enjoyable yet enriching books. Below are a few tips to create the perfect summer reading list:

1. Age-Appropriate Choices

Choosing books that correspond to the child’s reading ability is necessary. Books that are beyond their reading ability can be frustrating, while books that are too easy will not challenge them. Kinder Ready tutoring can help assess your child’s reading level and provide recommendations for books that will entertain and challenge them.

2. Focus on Books that Spark Interest 

According to Kinder Ready Elizabeth Fraley, one of the most significant factors when selecting books for your summer reading lists is ensuring they are about stuff that interests your child. Is your child into animals? Then, you can find some great nature and wildlife books out there. If they enjoy adventure, let them go on book searches filled with many plots full of suspense. Through our Kinder Ready tutoring services, Kinder Ready and Elizabeth Fraley will make sure your child’s learning years even more engaging.

3. Combine Fiction with Educational Books

While fiction is good for instilling creativity, educationally helping books will help a child’s mind keep abreast of worldly knowledge. Make this summer an option to read books about how a specific value can be inculcated into one’s life or insights on aspects related to science, history, or social studies. Books that relate to the schoolwork that your child does can be used as a means of reinforcement of those concepts that they learned over the past school year.

4. Setting Goals and Having Fun 

Setting reading goals for the summer may motivate your child to read more. It can be a goal about how many books they will read or how much time they read each day, but a sense of accomplishment after reaching the goal makes reading even more rewarding. Make reading more fun by doing a cozy reading nook, even offering rewards for achieving milestones. 

Supporting Your Child’s Summer Reading with Kinder Ready Elizabeth Fraley

Kinder Ready tutoring makes learning fun and rewarding. Kinder Ready Elizabeth Fraley services support the child’s academic growth, including reading and comprehension. Personalized sessions are tailored to enable a child to achieve in every learning area, from foundational skills to more advanced reading strategies. 

To learn how we can help your child develop a love for reading, visit us today at 

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